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David Isbester
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Lest we Forget!!

  • admin
  • Jun 4, 2022

I remember only few years ago, the Anzac Day march here in Canowindra. It was a big thing. Young families would come to spend time in town with parents and Grandparents and they would all come down to watch the march. There would be a crowd of 3 or 4 hundred people along the street, cheering and clapping the procession. Then they cancelled it for 2 years. Convincing us to be afraid of an invisible enemy and shutting down everything contrary to their agenda. Sadly, it seems, our connection to our past is contrary to the agenda.

Come on Aussies, show the diggers that you appreciate their sacrifice and will continue the fight for freedom. Next year bring your family and friends and wave some flags! Make ANZAC Day the big deal that it deserves to be.